fbpx Jennifer McMaster | Golden Key Academy
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Jennifer is learning the art of mothering 2 wonderful little humans who inspire her daily to strive for more in her personal and professional spaces. Jennifer has a Masters Degree in Holistic Health Promotion, an honors bachelor degree in Health Promotion, minor in women studies, is a registered kinesiologist with additional certifications in language, communication and behavior change modalities.

After 20 years of working with individuals, groups, organizations & communities around the world, Jennifer chose to create a new adventure by starting her own business as a Lifestyle Architect. Her vision is to work with men and families to nurture everyday leaders who thrive in their circle of family and community.

I’m a lover of life and the human experience. I’m passionate about supporting my clients as they  create their lifestyle and way of being in the world so that they can optimize to thrive. My life’s work is to help change the way people feel about themselves so they can maximize their human experiences. I do this by blending modern kinesiology, Health Promotion & behaviour change tools and methodologies with Language & Communication technologies.
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